Monday 26 November 2012

SearchPatterns Pro Sea

SearchPatterns Pro Sea has been submitted and will be released sometime next week hopefully.
It includes a 'new' pattern called "Oil Field" for our marine friends.
It has different parameter values to reflect that of vessels on the water as opposed to aircraft.

As I do not conduct SAR on the water at all, should you have any suggestions/comments/corrections, please let me know!

If you like the app, please rate it on iTunes!  If you don't yet think it's 5-star worthy, let me know how I can improve it.


  1. I fly for the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Would it be possible to show your search patterns over VFR sectional charts?

    1. I currently don't know how to go about programming that. Whenever I figure that out I will add it! Until that time you can export any pattern from my app as a .GPX file and load it into other apps such as Air Navigation Pro that use aviation maps. Works really well.

  2. One of our big concerns is knowing when we might enter the ADIZ or warning areas that a search might take us into.

    1. There's obviously still the need to use aviation maps or a aviation GPS for navigation. The app specifically aids with conducting search patterns.

  3. TRACK CRAWL issue With the APP on IPHONE we do have only Wpt 1 to insert for a track. we do not have wpt 2 , 3 etc like you shown on picture when use with Ipad.
